
Beach Arabs, “My Son & I”

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beach arabs

The wonderful new record from Brooklyn's very own Beach Arabs may go off on the occasional tangent, paying tribute to their Frusciante heritage, but on a few tracks, the tangential nature of the here-then-there guitar lines is overtly welcome. “My Son & I” is the best example of the band attempting to rein in their chaos, structuring all the sly little guitar riffs around a strict poppy beat and Liz Hogg's deadpan vocals. Utilizing a tad of that Nico tonality and Scott Walker candor, Beach Arabs' track about a son and his father banks on the Cat Stevens' original to pull it through to its garage-pop end. Expect the path to not be direct, but you'll make it there with or without us.

Wild Movement is out now digitally and on cassette through Mouca Records/Acuarela Records. Stream or purchase the full thing here.