
Beiju, “Narcissistic”

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Beiju is a brand spankin’ new band lead by the late Night Manager’s vocalist Caitlin Seager—who’s got chops for days. Beiju’s music has this great shoegaze-doo wop feel to it; it’s spacious, groovy and glamorous as all hell. You’ll find shimmery guitars galore with this band, and Cal Fish of Turnip King holds the groove down tight on bass. I’m having trouble deciding if their first song, “Narcissistic”, is beating a dead horse with the whole ‘youth reliance on social media’ kind of thing: “Check my last pic/I bet you’ll like it/How many follow me already?” Regardless, it’s appropriate and infectiously catchy, and just because I’m growing up to be a jaded shit-head doesn’t mean you should knock it. Maybe it’s just because I’m bitter that I only have 108 followers on Instagram (@zaundersclan *wink*).  Ok I’ll stop contradicting myself and this song so you can just listen to this solid work of pop music.