
Bellows, “Funny Things”

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Bellows Oliver Kalb

Way back in April we premiered Bellows’ “For Rock Dove” from their album Blue Breath. Since then Bellows, the performing name of Oliver Kalb, has gone on to sign with Dead Labour for the vinyl release and today dropped the album’s next single.

“Funny Things” kicks off with a choral anthem that is echoed throughout; even on recordings, Bellows is able to create a soaring energy that seems to grow impossibly large but then will suddenly stop and transform into a moment of quiet intimacy. Tremendous “ah-ah-ahs” are staggered between Kalb quietly confiding his desires until the song crashes into an emotional breaking point.

As a performing band, Bellows also features Gabrielle Smith (eskimeaux/Frankie Cosmos’ live outfit), Felix Walworth (Told Slant), and Henry Crawford (Small Wonder)—all integral members of The Epoch Is Now collective.

Stream “Funny Things” below. You can pre-order Blue Breath here, and check out Bellows + eskimeaux tour dates under the embed.

Bellows // eskimeaux tour

22 – Brooklyn, NY @ Silent Barn w/ Florist, Littlefoot, IAN
28 – Philadelphia, PA
29 – Brooklyn, NY @ Shea Stadium (Record release show) w/ The Ugly Club, Stargazy, Terrible Terrible
30 – Purchase College, NY w/ The Hotelier, Dumb Talk
31 – Washington, D.C. @ The Black Cat w/ Spoonboy

01 – Baltimore, MD
02 – Pittsburgh, PA House Show
03 – Rochester, NY House Show
04 – Albany, NY @ The Low Beat w/ Free Cake for Every Creature, Hand Habits
05 – Bard College, NY w/ Jawbreaker Reunion
06 – Troy, NY @ Ground Zero (at RPI) w/ Pinegrove
07 – New Brunswick, NJ @ Circuit City w/ Long Beard, Fraternal Twin