
Black Kaspar, Schizo-Tech CS

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Black Kaspar

In the Louisville Report, local correspondant Sam Benanti touched on the experimental improv scene in his hometown, citing Tropical Trash as a fine source for skronking, oddball scuzz. In the feature, Benanti noted Tropical Trash frontman Jim Marlowe runs a tape label called Loin Seepage, which deserves an award for Best New Label Name. Today Loin Seepage released a cassette from fellow experimental noise band Black Kaspar entitled Schizo-Tech.

Bookended by two 20-minute barrages of bellowing noise, Schizo-Tech foregoes all convention and challenges your anxiety levels. Many art-punk bands have dabbled in noise as an intro or outro to their pop construct, which gives Schizo-Tech the feeling that at any moment the caterwaul will cease or melt into a hypnotic bassline or a frontman will interrupt with a lion's roar and battle cry. Black Kaspar burrow into the chaos without fear or concern of alienation. This is a cassette that takes no short cuts, but trudges on in search of the most intense skronk fuggery that can be conjured in meditative disrupt. There's a sense that the enlightened OM is not reserved for the tranquil meditation, but can be achieved by making a gigantic mess so overwhelming it achieves the comfort of a home.

Purchase Black Kaspar's Schizo-Tech via Bandcamp.