
Brandon Locher, “Medium Frequency”

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Brandon Locher, "Medium Frequency"

Brandon Locher has been at the helm of a great deal of projects over the last decade, spanning all manner of genres. Within the world of instrumental music, the New York-based producer speaks multiple languages. He’s performed with drummer and producer Gerald Mattis in the avant-electronic duo Stage Hands, and produced and directed The Meets, an ensemble collaborating on an electroacoustic sound collage; and he’s the founder of the multimedia collective My Idea of Fun. Notably, he works in more mediums than one himself, and the cover art for the latest single from his solo project, “Medium Frequency”, is his own.

Across much of his work, he’s relied on intense patterning and repetition to captivating effect, and this new track is no exception. Though it would certainly fall under the category of ambient music, it errs more on the side of neoclassical than drone; Locher is as usual stretching beyond his comfort zone, in this case tightly winding orchestral sounds around an otherwise electronic framework. Horns and strings move in tandem with the constant synthetic pulse and conjure a scene that feels tangible and organic. “Medium Frequency” is what the name suggests—something accessible, grounded, quick to resonate. It’s difficult to land on such delicate middle ground, but Locher seems to have mastered it, and it’s a promising glimpse of what’s to come with his future solo work.

Though Locher hasn’t given word regarding a record just yet, you can listen to his music (solo and collaborative) via Soundcloud.