
BRANES, “Microwave On”

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Don't make the same mistake as us. We guessed that BRANES were purposely phonetically mis-spelling BRAINS, like it was written by an actual zombie making a request at dinner. Turns out BRANES is a cosmology term well beyond our simpleton understanding and this is why we became music journos instead of novelists.

Besides being smarter than us, BRANES are a LA-based synth duo with mutant punk and art project roots that morphed over time into a punk version of Tearist. There's the cool guy, Susan Subtract, with a tower of keyboards, who stands in the back blasting out the jams, while front lady, Ivy, makes horrific faces as she yips, growls, and belts out songs on the void, technology, and child beauty pageants. It's far from what we've come to expect from Burger Records, but ain't no shame in going with the flow.

On “Microwave On” BRANES pelt out a cold cavernous back beat for front-woman Ivy to howl like Siouxsie Sioux. Is it about love for nuclear food loaded with sizzling trans fat or a metaphor for love preciously timed with the push of a button? You be the judge.

BRANES, “Microwave On”

BRANES' Perfection Condition is out October 10 on Burger Records.