
Stream Brett's self-titled debut LP

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Black and white photos of band with synthesizers

“Do you wanna get high?”

A question that really needn't be asked more than once floats on repeat in the chorus of “Golden”, a standout track from the self-titled full-length debut of D.C. syth-pop outfit Brett. Driven by chattering rhythm guitar that balances bouncy '80s power-pop melodies with the lush stylings of this millennium's more refined and ephemeral tonations, “Golden” recalls the pulsing fuzziness of a summer party. One where details are hard to come by so latching onto one question keeps your body anchored while your mind vibrates throughout the room.

The rest of the album brings the dreams in a more meandering, longing direction—perfect for a long bus ride with a lot of interpersonal problems to think about. Even as the melodies slow down to an almost melancholic pulse, Brett offers a more dreamy, meditative escape rather than party-induced out of body experiences, yet with enough driving beats to keep your body moving as it drifts weightlessly out of your possession. Brett explains:

“For our debut album, we elected to undergo a process of reduction. We wanted to create productions that relied solely on our instincts as musicians. We felt that these arrangements best compliment the honest, stark, and sometimes vulnerable lyrical voice. While such vulnerability of form can be a risk, the five of us felt that this collection was our most pure representation of pop music and we felt that Cascine was a perfect space to share our music.”

Brett is available tomorrow from Cascine, until then you can stream in its entirety below.