
Cocktails, “Friday”

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Don’t you know it’s Friday? It doesn’t matter that work has just begun again in a cycle that won’t quit until we’re grey or that there’s a vast span of terrible no-fun between now and the weekend. Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, San Francisco’s appropriately named Cocktails put a little pep in the step with their new up-beat number, “Friday.”

Recorded with Warm Soda’s Rob Good, this song will make you forget about the damage Rebecca Black did to payday and instead keep you walking towards the light this week. Happy and clang-y but still hangover-friendly, “Friday” has a shiny guitar pop sound that procrastinates problem-solving in favor of some good, clean fun.

“Friday” will be on Cocktails’ upcoming 7”, due out December 12 and available for preorder on Grazer Records.