
Compltr, "Contrapasso"

Post Author: Mike Mehalick

Photo Credit: Senny Mau

Compltr, the musical project of California-based artist Jeff Wright, delights in examining the inherent flaws in human nature as evidenced by its one release to date, Purification Ritual. Now, after a two-year break, Compltr is hitting 2018 hard with a series of singles and first ever run of live shows. Impose Magazine is happy to host the exclusive premiere of single “Contrapasso” today.
On “Contrapasso,” Wright explores the irony in the hoisted-by-your-own-petard vengeance found in Dante’s Inferno with a solid backbeat and whirring, searing lead guitar lines that evoke a feeling of clawing at one’s own face.
“Writing music has always spawned a breeding ground for positivity in my experience. Transposing the wonderful moments that life has to offer comes naturally, and in other projects – I’ve taken advantage of that ease. Compltr is a place for everything else, a place for obsessive psychoanalysis and painful retribution.
‘Contrapasso’ is the first single from this project in two years, but also, it’s a small examination into the experience of punishing thyself by repeating misconduct in small, contrasting ways until you don’t see issue in your actions any longer. Just in the sadistic persistence and the constant need for repetition.”
Stream Compltr’s “Contrapasso” below, pre-order the Purification Ritual cassette here and catch them on tour at any of the dates listed below.

Tour Dates:
Feb 14th, 2018 – San Francisco, CA: Gallery For Broken Hearts at Code and Canvas*
March 3rd, 2018 – Oakland, CA: Lucky Duck w/ Elder Brother, Healing Rooms
TBA March 24th, 2018 – Los Angeles, CA w/ Sheer
April 7th, 2018 – Brooklyn, NY: The Gateway w/ Funeral Advantage, Plight, PPL
April 19th, 2018 – San Francisco, CA: Bottom Of The Hill w/ Ziplock, Shame Waves
*solo set