
Crash Symbols Presents: Touched By an Angle comp

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Touched by An Angle

Ever establishing the curve, Crash Symbols' trained ear has consistently discovered progressive electronica from the unlikely homebase of Morgantown, WV. The label's location is not a handicap, since the Internet provides artistic ubiquity. For its latest compilation, Touched By An Angle, Crash Symbols assembled 33 tracks from electronic sound technicians in places like San Francisco, Ireland, Long Island, Placerville, Alabama, Montreal, and even Morgantown.

If you've ever looked at your local music scene and thought, 'where are all the teenagers with shitty bands that might be great someday', the Touched By An Angle compilation somewhat offers an answer: on the Internet pushing the parameters of electronic music. While the compilation features some familiar names like The Cyclist, Al Lover, Cream Dream, and Pregnant, the collection is largely built from names we'll begin to bookmark based on their contributions. This is a compilation that needs to be on the desks of labels like Ghostly Intl., RVNG Intl, Leaving Records, and Ninja Tune.

Often the stigma of new music curated compilations is that the artist offered a throw-away composition to the roster, unwilling to part with a piece that might prove integral in an upcoming project. Touched By An Angle feels almost competitive in its consistency.

The Touched By An Angle is available for free download at Crash Symbols' Bandcamp.