
Daft Punk live chat

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What better place for 100 or so rabid fans to blow their load with questions for Daft Punk's Guy-Manuel and Thomas than an internet chat room. The black back drop set the mood, the long pauses from the Punks kept us wanting more? Anyway, we learned there are no plans to tour for 2008 (or play a New Years Party). Also noted:

– it was hard to do summer shows with those helmets on (“like formula one but standing up without water”)
– neither Guy-Manuel nor Thomas will have anything to say to you when you inform them their songs were the soundtrack to your lost virginity
Pet Sounds is their favorite rock album (collectively, we guess)
– people calling themselves TechnoSexMonkey can still show up in chat rooms with Italians who TYPE AT U HAVE BAD GRAMMAR IN CAPITAL LETTERS
-“all this technology gadgets are fun yeah”