
Daniel Kordík, [Sy][ria]

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Over the course of one month in the spring of 2011, experimental musician Daniel Kordík made some recordings in Syria that he would then use to create this soundscape of an LP, [Sy][ria]. The effort is an amalgam of haunting, stretched-thin field recordings—buses honking, a muezzin singing the call to prayer, people chatting in the distance—over otherwise wider, larger sounds and tones. It is as effective as video footage or first-person reportage to create imagery of a place shaken by poltical unrest. The release, which comes out on Eastern Europe's LOM label, is intended as a benefit record, and all funds will go to a project through AVAAZ that aims to help refugees find firm footing. The record is donation only, and is well worth spare funds. A fascinating and absolutely chilling release.

You can stream [Sy][ria] below, then head here for a purchase.