
Date Palms, “Yuba Reprise”

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date palms

If you're in need of a little mellowing today, don't embark on a spiritual journey through the nearest desert (it would probably be full of festival attendees anyway). Instead, listen to the first offering from the new Date Palms album, “Yuba Reprise”. There is nothing more spiritually cleansing than this instrumental psych-and-drone track and it gives you a little bit of a reprieve from all the garage punk you're probably listening to. It feels like the start of a brand new day, and on this day you forgot to shave and you've magically grown a monster beard. The tone invites you to take a step away from the mayhem, to indulge in a little Indian-inspired minimalism, and its a solid reminder of why the violin can be of great value.

Date Palms are releasing their third record, The Dusted Sessions, with Thrill Jockey and it comes out on June 11. Preorder the record here, have it shipped to your hut in Joshua Tree.