
Day Creep's Underneath The Mess tape

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Day Creep Underneath The Mess Tape

When Aaron Troyer is not playing with his Day Creeper amigos, he drops a few letters to become Day Creep. His Underneath The Mess tape was recorded over the duration of what was likely a brutal Ohio winter in Columbus. It resulted in songs like “Looming Catastrophe” that place similar values on the impending Armageddon and a lack of beer. The remainder of the tape finds Troyer musing of acid rain and ghosts with a few “rejected” jams that give Underneath The Mess a bit of a small operations version of Slanted & Enchanted vibe.

To acquire this lovely little tape, either get in touch with Snow Clone's blog/label or email Mr. Troyer directly at aarondestroyer [at], in which you will be politely required to drop $4 into a PayPal account.

Day Creep, “Looming Catastrophe”