
Deastro returns from a remote planet

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Deastro Incinerator

Last we spoke of Deastro was his Mind Alter EP (Ghostly, 2010), which was offered on the heels of a band break up. Deastro promised it would not be the last we heard from him, as he took of in his intergalactic fighter jet and left us all wondering what's like in distant galaxies while we trotted back to our trailor park. The film, The Last Starfighter ,set up a sequel that never came, leaving a terrible void within us, unsatisfied since the early 80s. Music's last starfighter, Deastro, broke the two-year silence this week as he touched down with a 4-song EP entitled Incinerator. The brevity is decieving, since three of the four tracks on Incinerator are over 7-minutes in duration.

Opening with “Prisoner” and “Tokyo Parasite”, Incinerator is aligned with seedy disco-punk leanings, rather than the bubbling washes and flourishes of synth-pop that often ran counter to his Detroit upbringing. It's as though Deastro traveled to a distant planet, only to find a more grim vision of the Midwest wasteland. He saw something far worse than bears living in the city and it altered his creative self toward the sweaty balance of noise and speed. By the closing title track, we catch glimpses of the Deastro once known, but it's still comes from a place much darker than the Shaded Forests.

Incinerator is available here for $3.