
Tartufi, “Eaves”

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San Francisco trio Tartufi are proud to present the stateside premiere of their single “Eaves”, from their forthcoming Southern Records full-length, These Factory Days. The three talents of Lynne Angel, Ben Thorne and Brian Gorman long ago illustrated their power-pop leaning chops on 2002's Westward Onward, So We Are Alive in 2004, Trouble in 2005, until their game changing sound developments began on Us Upon Buildings Upon Us in 2006 and 2008's Nests of Waves and Wire both with the assistance of Tim Green's engineering. Building up a cache of amps, guitars and the shared tri fecta vision of an ever evolving and growing sound without any sign of containment; we invite you to witness Brian's earth storming drum fills, as Lynne and Ben share their epic melody song of “Eaves” that towers like the projecting roof overhangs of the song's namesake.

“Eaves” commences in the spaces between Gorman's kinetic drums and the subdued guitar that awaits the cues to break free. Lynne's voice rings out, singing to the personification of the song's facets themselves as if the music was their fourth member. “My melody all other notes feel the same,” giving attention to the song's compositional parts that construct a musical pointed roofed cabin for the band built like the passing foliage that swims along the flow of the creek. “But through these eaves you float like leaves in this rain…”

Things flow to a guitar-teeth-gnashing simmer as the chords pluck and strum like skipping pebbles on the water's surface. The rising progression build as various guitars continue to burn and churn, piano notes make fleeting cameos, as the group's vocal harmonizing rises up to the sky's ceiling. The action peaks as the guitars celebrate the prog skronk sequences with a blow out that leaves you with Lynne's melodic yell of, “I don't wanna know” that lingers like the crescent fog vapors that hug San Francisco's Northern piers to the westward heights of the Twin Peaks neighborhood.

Tartufi's forthcoming album These Factory Days comes out March 26 from Southern Records.