
Tassels, “Overkill”

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We bring you a first listen to the new Tassels single “Overkill” off the recently released album Pressure Mounts. Vancouver's Sean Orr of Taxes turns up the analogue machinery to forge a uranium-enriched cover of Men at Work's 1983 hit of the same title. Orr takes on the original's late-night exotica with a gritty “Radiation” style keys and a Wurlitzer organ thrown into the industrial smokestack whir of propeller-blade-wave percussion effects.

We encourage you to play the premiere Tassels track “Overkill” in time with a muted playback of the MAW original video. While Orr's liberal re-envisioning is not syncronized perfect length wise, it does provide a newfound accelerated intensity to Colin Hay's midnight quandaries with Sean's snarled dead pan delivery of the song's introductory lyrics before he breaks out with his own wicked freestyle and gnashing of teeth.

“I can't get to sleep, I think about the implications, diving in too deep and possibly the complications…”

The new Tassels album Pressure Mounts is available now from Pour Le Corps.