Wax Museums: High music for low people

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A little bit about me: I've got a large number of translated works of fiction on my wall, I can speak bits and pieces of several languages, I have a membership to an art museum, and I've realized that I've been in situations that could be labeled as “Kafkaesque,” “Felliniesque,” or “revolutionary.” I've gotten to the point where I've had these reoccurring dreams of having serious conversations with the ghost of Susan Sontag. I feel comfortable saying in this public forum that even though there is never any touching or nudity, there are definitely sexual undertones — and Annie Leibovitz is never around to take photos and exploit the situation.

I'm also dumb as a rock: I like fart jokes on television, videos of hippies getting tasered, not knowing how to use Google Street Maps, Coca-Cola with my breakfast, and I'll never stop thinking this is hilarious.

I'm the target audience for the Wax Museums: the people who aim high, but achieve low. Their idiot savant rock is wedged between Milo Aukerman's brilliant simplicity and The Spits savage brilliance. I'm pretty sure they're fucking around, but they're doing it at your expense. They don't want to futz around and write poetry, they don't want to impress you with their collection of flannel shirts, or show off the 28 pedals they use on stage. Their music celebrates all things simple, and 97% of the time, that turns out to be a good thing.

Eye Times is the band's forthcoming full length on Trouble in Mind. It's due sometime in the near future. In the meantime, we're debuting this track, “Sunburn.”