
Dinowalrus, “No Expectations” (Rolling Stones cover)

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Peter Feigenbaum's Dinowalrus is in the process of recording its third album, due in 2014, but in the mean time the trio is busying themselves further with a Knitting Factory show with Crystal Stilts and recording trippy covers of bluesy Rolling Stones songs.

Dinowalrus take to “No Expectations” with shimmering psychedelia that sounds as though Robert Johnson learned guitar from the devil on a hippy commune in the depths of an acid binge. Somehow placing the Stones song in a fried context lends new interpretation to Jagger's lyrics. “Your heart is like a diamond” has more kaleidoscopic flair, while “our love was like the water” sounds as though it's a profession by a man who goes by Stargazer Aquarius. There's a futurism in Dinowalrus' cover as well. The warped slide guitar discovers the spacey terrain of Spiritualized, leaving the Southern roots of “No Expectations” in the distant past. It's easy to begin imagining space stations and airports with jets that orbit, rather than puddle jump, thanks to Dinowalrus' update.

Dinowalrus, “No Expectations” (Rolling Stones cover)