
Dive, “Geist”

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It's time we addressed Dive properly. The Brooklyn four-piece is often thought of as a good-natured running joke amongst the Kent Avenue set, the punch-line being that for a while they were playing DIY venue 285 Kent what seemed like twice a week or so. (I even suggested, jokingly on Twitter, that Impose do a parody “Shit the band Dive says” video with members just standing in different corners of the venue and alternately saying, “I'm wet,” and “When do we go on?”, which is probably funnier in the moment.)

However, the group, which features members of Beach Fossils, shouldn't be considered something to brush off of your shoulders. This new single “Geist”, coming out on Captured Tracks as a 7-inch, is an expansive piece of clear-headed pop with heavily 'verbed vocal call-and-shouts and a really nice drum break in the middle, which is kind of a lost art. The guitar solo ain't nothin' to smirk at, either. Should go over well in Texas, cough, cough

Dive, “Geist”