
Ex-Cult, “Summer of Fear”

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Not long ago, we were lucky enough to interview Chris Shaw with a completely different project (GØGGS). Even before that point, we realized what a deeply educated and inspirational individual he is, adding small details into every song and basing complete songs around very specific aspects of history and pop culture. Ex-Cult‘s latest–“Summer of Fear”–is no different.

In the summer of ’69, George Putt was on a murder spree in Memphis- strangling people in their apartments and stabbing anyone he pleased,” Chris Shaw expands. “He led the police on a frantic search throughout the city for 28 days before being caught by a group of ordinary citizens. Memphis had never seen anything like it before. Putt was given 497 years in prison, and died behind bars this year.”

So now that you have the background, take a listen for yourself. The beginning of “Summer of Fear” is eery in a “please don’t let me be home alone with the lights off” kind of way. But pretty quickly, that Ex-Cult sound we all know and love hits. Fast, hard-hitting vocals, deep guitar riffs, and percussion that just does not quit. We are pleased to introduce you to “Summer of Fear”.

Just don’t let this summer turn out to be yours.

‘Summer of Fear’ 7″ is out August 12th on Famous Class. It is available for pre-order now.