
Exclusive Stream: Helm, Impossible Symmetry

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Luke Younger has been working as Helm for several years and two previous albums, but this is the first record where Luke has taken into consideration how his pieces of structural experimentalism could be performed. Impossible Symmetry is a work of clattering thrills encoded onto a stretch of hard, shiny, thin aluminum drone. The London artist, who also runs the label Alter and performs as half of drone duo Birds of Delay, first piqued our interest with his last album, Cryptography, a record that was similar in scope to the current Impossible Symmetry. In fact, you might want to consider this a sequel – both albums were five songs of delicately positioned compositional works, built as if teetering on top of an Illuminatus pyramid, with the eye focused upwards instead of straight out. Everything is just so, from the grumbling, moist smacks in “Above All in Beyond” to the low bass drum rhythm in “Liskojen yö”.

The record is out on PAN on July 3, but it will be streaming here on Impose exclusively until July 2.