
FLOTE, “Paper Weight”

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Philadelphia by Connecticut rising star FLOTE, a.k.a. Dome Wrecka premieres a close listen to his recent track, “Paper Weight”. The aspiring meditative-floatational-wave producer is one of the strong arms from the respective Altered Ego Collective and It's Always Money in Philadelphia crews and has been making a name for his heady beats from Camp Bisco, Wonderbar, to cameos at various DIY ragers. A presentation of a classical and traditional styles sound clash; FLOTE builds upward from his foundational beat structures with chrisAre and Connect 9, and the recent released Sacred Wisdom LP takes the route of gnostic adherence; abiding by a musical code of restraint while letting the imagination run skyward and wild.

Employing a subdued Spanish guitar with a trip-hop rhythm progression, FLOTE gathers blankets of instrumental accompaniment that spin around the drum sequenced center like helixes. The guitars are first ushered in through what could have been a high treble emitting transistor radio that gets turned up on full watts with the emergence of the programmed percussion pattern schemes. And while the strings strum out looping folk-village chords, the bass lines adhere to the piano's lead minor keys that invite the synthesizers to prowl along to the tune of the James Bond theme.

From experimenting with hi-to-lo range audio sample shifts, and dabbling in abstract beat alterations from percussive conventions; “Paper Weight” presents one of the more trad groove moments amid the album's hypnotic ars electronica. The guitar-piano rustic cut shares company with tracks as disparate as the lazer-rays-of-light-realized pop of “Crepuscular Rays“, and the capoeira-core-meets-East serpentine dance motions of “Lacandona Footwork“, that all present a vast range of attributes from one of today's producers to watch.

FLOTE's Sacred Wisdom LP is available now via Bandcamp.

Also catch him performing Saturday February 2 at Brooklyn's Freecandy with Count Bass D and others.