
Foundling, “Find Food”

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With the recent influx of dystopian-heavy films and books, it's a wonder that labels like Exitab don't get swallowed up into the melee. Their signature experimental, ambient sounds often push the boundaries of what we know to be true in digital soundscapes, but they are done in such subtle, minimal releases that the Eastern European-based label is nothing if not humble. Their newest release comes from UK sound producer Foundling, a six-track EP called Wake Up In Bits, and “Find Food” is its most brilliant track—easily taken in a dose on its own or imagined as the backdrop to a futuristic film where everything has gone wrong. The song manages to settle the heart rate, deepen the breathing, and also incite panic all at once. It's magical.

Exitab has released Wake Up In Bits on limited edition cassette, which you can pick up here.