
Get to Know Michael Beharie’s Vulnerable Side in New Track “Before I Fall”

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Michael Beharie

Michael Beharie curated an impressive mix for us last year. In the past few years, in fact, he’s been working on several different musical projects, producing for various artists, and doing a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff on some very impressive tracks. Now, he’s back with a vengeance to take over the music scene with his new album, Ray Like Morning, set to release later this month.

“Before I Fall” is the newest single off the project, bringing us even further into the genius that is Michael Beharie. The track begins with slow piano chords and a simple vocal track–almost spoken–over it. And then it turns into pure magic, with intricate layers of drums and other percussion that bring the tempo up. Just when you think the track is going to move along in its entirety at the same pace with more of a jungle vibe than anything else, it takes a drastic turn at 1:25, with a dance track mix that lasts for a few bars.

‘Before I Fall’ is one of the more lo-fi tracks on ‘Ray Like Morning’. The drums were made from old vinyl samples and keys were recorded on a small upright piano with an iphone. Around the time I was working on this track I was also scoring a film by Melanie Bonajo. Part of the score involved sourcing field recordings of birdsongs and when I downloaded one particular recording I got this digital woman reading catalog information rather than the birdsong itself. I loved the way her voice sounded – very digital but very melancholic somehow. I love how ambiguous her accent is too. The recording really fit the mood of the song in an absurd but cohesive way.
-Michael Beharie

The lyrics are incredibly relatable and vulnerable, admitting that “everybody breaks sometimes” and that he “can only try to get just one thing right inside my head,” and imploring you to “catch me before I fall.”

We’ll catch you, Michael Beharie.

Ray Like Morning is due out on Astro Nautico on June 17th.