
Glass Gang, “Time”

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Having premiered “Time” earlier this year, the elusive mysterious cult of Glass Gang continues to baffle and intrigue with their viscous dark pouring visual courtesy of director Taylor Antisdel. Because presenting any moving visual of the band would give away too much than they have already with vague pictures, watch as the sands of “Time” pour with a new kind of molasses.

And as the hour glass pours over until you are lift only the b/w polarities of basic color contrasts; we were again filled with questions that we attempted to send over to the band. Here we begged for any cryptic messages and words about the video for “Time” in the following inquiries:

What does the concept of “Time” means to the Glass Gang?

Can you all give any cryptic messages about what Glass Gang has in store?

Perhaps any more cryptic hype for the upcoming November 1 Glasslands gig?

Did you choose Glasslands because both you and the gallery/venue share the word “Glass” in your respective monikers?

What has been some of Glass Gang's best, and/or worst Summer 2013 memories?

Glass Gang's plan of attack for Fall?

Sadly, these cables fell on silent ears.

But you can catch them November 1 at their premiere Glasslands gig in NYC.