
Hanz, “Plasty”

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Experimental producer Hanz recently released “Plasty,” a song from his forthcoming, as-of-yet unnamed project. The track starts with a perplexing, warpy synth, before the relative calm is annihilated by a churning sound effect that dominates the rest of the track.

“Plasty’s” grinding lead melody channels rapidly moving cylinders in an engine, chugging the listener about a desolate, smokey highway filled with ghastly screams and other enigmatic effects. Muffled voices and shrill whistles thicken the soundscape. The track relents on several occasions, offering the illusion that it’s set to break in another direction–yet Hanz dials back in.

Via e-mail, Hanz noted that the track is open to interpretation, as is most of his sonically curious catalog. Nevertheless, he says “Plasty” serves as “an entry point to the sound of the rest of the project.” Hanz will be releasing other songs from the upcoming “8 or 9” track project throughout the month, leading up to an end of August release.

You can stream “Plasty” below.