
Heavy Hawaii's woozy SoCal HH, streaming

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Heavy Hawaii, HH EP (Art Fag)

Though not premeditated, having sleepy smooth Cali bands closing out last week's four night, three day Imposition was pretty much the perfect night cap, if your night caps usually consist of fat joints and a whole lot of head-lolling near the front of the packed pack, fairly conscious of being awake and somewhat certain you'll be dreaming the same kind of opiated sets in a few hours time.

There was no real “top of the heap” for that long, ten band lineup, just one woozy melody after another, and among those were the lovely, lilting San Diego rays of Heavy Hawaii.

Their whole EP has been up all week. We suggest that if you thought SoCal stopped at Wavves, you shake things up with these songs:

Heavy Hawaii “HH” by Art Fag Recordings

HH is out as a 12-inch and cassette on Art Fag Records.