
Interview: High Waisted Talks New Lineup + Tour Life

Photo Credit: Matthew Kanbergs

When last we left High Waisted, they were in the midst of releasing singles “Free Throw” and “Firebomb” before heading out on their most extensive tour to date. After taking the winter to incubate, the band is hatching in 2018 with a new look, two new bandmates and a new tour surrounding SXSW. High Waisted will also be releasing their celebrated series of Acid Tapes Vol. 4 later this Spring.
Amidst the flurry of activity, we thought it high (GET IT?) time we caught up with the band’s Jess Dye to get the scoop on all of the latest developments. Check it all out below and be sure to catch High Waisted, possibly, at a city near you soon.

So, you just went through a big lineup change. How did you find your new bandmates?
I sprinkled some fairy dust into a wishing well and the cosmos brought them to me.
Have you started writing anything with them?
We’ve noodled on some new ideas but we’ve only had 4 rehearsals before our debut. Not much time to dabble in the creative realm.
How has your new lineup changed your live show?
I think there’s going to be a lot more dancing and giggling. We can’t help but be goofballs when we play together. We’re really having a blast.
You’re about to head out on tour to SXSW. What are your favorite aspects of touring?
The people we meet. The long quiet drives to think. The bonds we form with each other. Tour makes you into a tighter family. It’s one big trust fall and the world always catches us!
Favorite spots to hit in Austin?
Pulled pork sandwiches at Jackalope. Cocktails at Cheer Up Charlie’s. Whiskey shots and loud music at Hotel Vegas. Tacos at Torchy’s.
What do you do enjoy doing most outside of music?
Jono and I both love working together on photography projects. Creating art in other mediums keeps me happy. I like to write poetry and send letters to my pen pals. I ride my bike and love DJing.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given as a band?
To always be early and to treat everyone like it’s their birthday.
What’s next for High Waisted in 2018?
Releasing a new record. Pool parties. Europe. Getting a tour dog. More naps.