
Introducing Pow Wows side project Fill Spectre

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fill spectre

From the bedroom of Pow Wows’ guitarist Jay Share-It comes the obnoxiously catchy and gritty Fill Spectre. Using a “shitty Japanese multi-track recorder” Share-It combines the talents of his cigarette-tinged larynx, an array of microphones, Harmony guitars, some pocket change as a tambourine, and a Roland PB-300 Rhythm Plus drum machine that’s as old as he is to create the meter-peaking punk rock of Scare Your Friends.

Share-It’s variation and knack for song writing is the real allure, going 14-tracks with a quality and style that never grows tired. Scare Your Friends is one of the rare gems for kids that get kicks off demo-quality work. If Ty Segall’s eponymous LP blew your mind then Scare Your Friends will find a nice place below it in the cassette shelf.

Fill Spectre, “The Break Shake Pt. 1”

Check videos for the Suicide meets Jacuzzi Boys ripper “Break Shake Pt. 1” and a cover of The Urinals’ “Sex”:

Share-It is working on filling in some spots for a live band. Expect a tour not only out from Fill Spectre but from Pow Wows soon. Grab the hand-made, limited edition cassette Scare Your Friends here. There’s only 99 of ‘em.