
Jaakko Eino Kalevi, “No End”

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The forthcoming Jaakko Eino Kalevi EP, Dreamzone, will release on Weird World Record Co, and in its title and its label, the debut release couldn't feel more accurate. The first track, “No End”, is as ethereal as puffed air, using light feminine vocals and a pulling bass line to move through multilevels of dreamstate and color. Hailing from Finland, Kalevi's sound feels like a touch on everything natural—you can imagine listening to the spacious song while running through a neverending Nordic meadow. With the occasional retro-sounding flange and effect, “No End” can feel as though it comes from both the future and the past, the modern world and outerspace.

Dreamzone will release on December 2 and can be found at Weird World Record Co.