
Joanna Gruesome, “Secret Surprise”

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In the tradition of noisepop bands like Los Campesinos! and nameplayers like Salvia Plath, Joanna Gruesome meets the listener somewhere exactly in the middle. Insisting, with due cause, to be taken seriously, the first single from their debut record, Weird Sister, is a grungy jammer that cuts through diamonds: it's ripe with shoutalong lyrics, aggressive but playful guitar crashes, and a poppy, pulsing drum beat that keeps the song moving right on schedule. According to Joanna Gruesome's creation history, the group met in an anger management course and have since decided to use music as their outlet for unchanneled rage. This is history done right.

Joanna Gruesome's debut record will release on Slumberland Records on September 10. Check out “Secret Surprise” below, and we highly recommend clicking through for more highlights from the Cardiff-based band's bio. Nothing beats it.