
Kid Smpl, Dope Pac SE remix EP

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Kid Smpl

Seattle’s electronic producer, Joey Butler, who goes by the moniker Kid Smpl released a free remix EP featuring tracks from his hypnotic August release, Escape Pod EP, called Dope Pac SE. The EP features reworks from Blood Vibes, Anthony Ellect and Giraffage among others. The EP is eight tracks, giving each song off of Escape Pod two remixes each, not including the D33J remix of “Pulse” which was included on Escape Pod EP. With the exception of DJAO’s rework of “Relief” the last track on Dope Pace SE, all the remixes step up the energy of the more relaxed night bus vibe of Kid Smpl’s original work. Butler is set to release a full length LP on Hush Hush in November.

Dope Pac SE is now free for download from Hush Hush Records at Kid Smpl’s Bandcamp. Of course, you can pay if you'd like to.