
Kissing is a Crime, “Noise At Night”

Back in March 2017, Brooklyn-based indie-rockers Kissing is a Crime dropped their debut, self-titled LP via Don Giovanni Records. One of the more unique tracks on that record, “Noise At Night,” rides on a throbbing bass-line beating like a tell-tale heart that sets up the atmosphere to be equal parts foreboding and exciting.

Now, “Noise At Night” has received a music video treatment that extends what you might find conjured in your mind’s eye with direction from Assal Ghawami and styling by Julia Cumming of Sunflower Bean.

“I love working with Kissing is a Crime,” says Ghawami. “I get to try out absurd ideas and we get to laugh a lot on set. For this one, we tried to recreate the eye-cutting scene from Un Chien Andalou, for which we scalpelled a half pound of grapes.”

Watch Kissing is a Crime in “Noise At Night” below and look for more from them here.