
Kris Cody, “Zonin’ Out”

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Kris Cody

Many songs about unrequited love bask in the romanticism of a broken heart, but on Portland producer Kris Cody‘s “Zonin’ Out”, utter desensitization is the best recourse. Cody wrote and composed the song, then commissioned singer Anya Siviski for vocals. Over e-mail, Cody told me he believes Siviski’s performance “made” the song, crediting her “heady vocal harmonies” for delivering the dynamic he was seeking.

As Siviski sings, “you like to hit and run…actin’ like you’re commitin’ though I know it’s just for fun,” Cody’s breezy soundscape frames the track in a playful light. The lyrics could have sounded like wayward musings on a downcast beat, but Siviski sounds fully aware the subject ain’t shit. She’s just along for the ride.

Cody is an upstart, but is already carving out a signature sound. “Zonin’ Out”, like his recent “Get Away”, marries elements of reggae, electronic, and synthpop. Cody showcases a pleasantly minimalist take on pop’s current sound du jour.

You can stream “Zonin’ Out” below.