
Las Robertas, “Seconds Away”

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Las Robertas

After a two-year hiatus, Costa Rica’s Las Robertas are back with more American-style dream-punk courtesy of Art Fag. Since their last LP Cry Out Loud, the trio has switched to a new a drummer and beefed up the production and distorted muscle.

The Dissected Affair 7” certainly punches harder then anything on their debut, but still takes the bulk of its sound from the cesspool of garage-poppers outfitted with a sexy-sad songbird and reverb and delay pedals. After all McDonald’s does serve tens of millions of people a day. Not to say if I found myself in Limon looking for kicks I wouldn’t take my bermuda shorts, grimy Keds, and traveling-buzz over to whatever club this troupe was cranking at, but I guess we’re spoiled up here in the States.

We’ve provided you with a coupon for Las Robertas’ McDouble “Seconds Away”, below. Purchase it here.

Las Robertas, “Seconds Away”