
Lisa Prank, “Luv Is Dumb”

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Lisa Prank

Lisa Prank has mastered the art of the garage pop love song. The debut tape from Seattle’s Robin Edwards, crush on the world, was full of fuzzy lo-fi jams with drum machine and crunchy guitar solos to match soaring vocal melodies. Two summers later, she’s set to release her first full-length, Adult Teen, which picks up right where she left off, touching on the ups and downs of loving with an unrelenting energy that feels half mature, half stuck in youth.

The latest single from the new LP, “Luv Is Dumb” is a perfect picture of what it’s like to fall hard and fast for someone. Over the course of a clean, ripping minute and a half, she traces the weird minutiae of getting caught up in new romance. “We hung out all night / but when you left / I forgot what your face looked like / gotta see you again,” Edwards opens, and soon she’s confessing, “Love is making me dumb.” It’s self-conscious but also fairly confident—Edwards’ voice is unshaken, and you can even hear a little snarl here and there against the sunny backdrop of fuzzed-out chords and crashing cymbals. She readily admits that it’s too soon for this to be real love—she can’t remember this person’s face or the things they’ve said—but it’s not stopping her from pushing forward and writing a love song about it. And if a crush can yield a song like this, it can’t be all that bad.

Adult Teen is set for release June 24 through Father/Daughter Records on vinyl and Miscreant Records on cassette.