
Listen to U2’s Songs of Innocence backwards

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Yesterday we told you about the mystifying business venture that Apple and U2 signed with Lucifer, which resulted in a flaming pile of 500,000,000 copies of Songs of Innocence being digitally delivered—forcefully mind you—to all iTunes users via the iCloud. This, of course, prompted a fire-storm of users crying, “how can I get this record off my iTunes?” We stood by our friends with good music taste and dismissed this as a cheap marketing stunt veiled as horrible music. And we were all right.

Until now.

We here at Impose decided to play the entire album backwards… you know, to see if there’s any subliminal messages about buying the new iPhone. We didn’t notice anything upon first listen, but we did come to one realization—it actually sounds pleasantly enjoyable played in reverse. With lyrics turned inside out, Bono sounds like a German Charles Manson leading a carnival, whose mantra we cannot decipher, but with enough “ach’s” and “tung’s” to remind us of a simpler, less soul-crushing time. See if you can find the hidden message and stream U2’s Songs of Innocence in full (backwards) below.