
Little My, Bite Because You Like It

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Little My take their name from a character in the Finnish comic strip Moomin. Like their tiny, feisty namesake, the New Hampshire trio are not afraid to speak their mind. Following an acoustic album titled you two can spend a special time respect even such the tiny moment OR “Little My Goes to Thailand,” their new album Bite Because You Like It returns to the punky guitar pop sound of their demo. On Bite Because You Like It, blunt sentiments pack a punch as singer and guitarist Shayla Riggs pair rejection of oppressive stereotypes with vulnerability. On “cut yr locks” Riggs calls out “macho boys’ clubs” (“Rebranded masculinity is not radical / We don’t have to follow your set of rules”); on “PSA” she turns the tables on objectification and harassment (“Men already rule the world and that’s bad enough / So why don’t you just let me read my book in peace without you hitting on me?”). Little My use the same noise and urgency to discuss issues of mental illness and insecurities. In the aptly titled “Little My versus Self Doubt,” Riggs searches for strength in feelings of uncertainty: “There is always something wrong with me, so it’s hard to feel that I belong / In this body I can’t feel I’m so strong so I force it into another song.” Over twelve brief tracks, Little My offer up their whole selves with an exhilarating fearlessness that leaves the listener craving more.

Bite Because You Like It is out via Cat Dead, Details Later and Bloated Kat Records. Stream it below: