
Littler, “Slippery”

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Littler, the Philly band formerly known as Calamity Jane, has never been shy about expressing their feelings of angst and frustration. Previous songs like “Demigod” and “Somewhere Else” carry a defiant weight, leaving little room for interpretation. “Slippery”, however, is just that. The third single from their upcoming debut LP, Of Wandering, is a graduation of sorts. Contemplation replaces anger, as Madeline Meyer, doing her best Air Waves drawl, sings, “Spring came and we melted into each other, slippery.”

As demonstrated in a feature penned by Meyer for Impose late last year, Littler is a band who is fully aware of their mythos, so it should probably come as little surprise as “Slippery” turns introspective. Produced by Swearin’s Kyle Gilbride, Of Wandering, has, to-date, been conveyed to us as easily relatable, but in order for us to relate to “Slippery” we have to see the metaphors as our own, creating an almost addictive unease. The harmonies, though still there, are pushed to the background, as a round of the chorus melts into the outro, only to enhance the uncomfortable tension.

Of Wandering will be released on March 25 via Birdtapes. You can stream “Slippery” below, and read Madeline Meyer’s roundtable discussion, The Myth Of The Band, here.