
Loose Tooth, “Pickwick Average”

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Loose Tooth

You might recognize Loose Tooth from the four-way split they contributed the excellent “Lizzy” to in February, alongside Clique, Mumblr, and Ghost Gum. Their newest single “Pickwick Average” picks up right where “Lizzy” left off, combining a pop-punk sentimentality with articulate instrumentation yet not succumbing to the obligatory relentless tempo that the term “pop-punk” often invokes. “Pickwick Average” is far less indebted to West Coast tradition than it is to DC-based forbearers in that regard. The track shifts from a single guitar riff into the verses’ rolling instrumentation and crashing drums, and is immensely promising as to what will be unpacked in their full length output.

Stream “Pickwick Average” below. Loose Tooth’s debut LP Easy Easy East is due out April 21 via Fleeting Youth Records.