
Michael Christmas, “Fuck Wit Me”

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Earlier this year, Is This Art? showcased Michael Christmas’s ability to create immediately relatable and modern metaphors with his raps, a talent that made the young rapper stand out in the Boston scene. Now, it seems Christmas has made the classic trek out to LA, whether in search of fortune or rap stardom I know not. Unfortunately, it seems ol’ Mike’s having some trouble on the romantic end: “Fuck Wit Me”, a track made after the LA move, imagines the increasingly unlikely ways that Christmas could woo a girl.

The girl in question is “professionally thick,” making young Christmas’ efforts as farfetched as Dre dropping Detox, or white people in Minnesota turning rude. Such are the comparisons that he makes on the track, which carries the same self-deprecating humor present in his earlier work. Christmas remains outwardly confessional while retaining self-awareness and humility, not to mention the creative and funny metaphors that make his music such a joy to listen to. See: comparing the girl’s flighty behavior to “store brand glue,” because, of course, “she ain’t stickin.” For all his rapped efforts, the answer to Christmas’s pleading hook “would that be enough/for you to fuck wit me” seems to be a flat No. Let’s hope that doesn’t dissuade him from from further lusts, if only so we can hear songs about it.