
Miniboone, “Any Other City”

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Miniboone play the kind of sun-damaged fuzz pop that has become less and less common over the years. That’s not to say the band is working with rehashed materials, but they do recall the simpler, breezier days of years past. On “Any Other City”, a track off of the Brooklyn band’s upcoming LP Bad Sports, their breed of power pop flits between a jangling chorus and a more muted verse, without ever fitting comfortably into any certain rhythm—at points toward the back half of the song there are psychedelic leanings that don’t seem out of place, but differ from the overall cadence. The chorus of “oh yeah, any other city, oh yeah, any other shitty town” is the kind of sneakily catchy lyric that is simple, resonant, and snarky enough to become a quiet anthem.

Bad Sports is out April 21 via Ernest Jennings Recording Co. “Any Other City” is streaming below.