
Mod Gun, “Party Line”

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Boston, Massachusetts Mod Gun pick up the phone on their premiere of “Party Line” fresh from the north shores. Part of the recent rock crew that counts Grass is Green and Pile amongst their formal luminaries, Paul, Jon, Kathleen and Trevor keep this party loud with binging guitars, chugging along with emotion that is both expressive and at times shrill. Found off their recent No Beaches album, Mod Gun plugs in their charged up frustrations while keeping the party cathartic.

What grabbed my ear with “Party Line” was the way the manner of endless guitar shreds that burst forth like a continuous electric guided waterfall motion. But lest you mistake this for just a tranquil nature outing, this song is party therapy in it's truest form. The raw edges of riffs work together in a harmonious setting while spitting grit and amplifying the human need to feel fine within the confines of being. Here the psychiatric prescription to feeling alright is a method of chords, that savors every breath amid allusions to alcoholic consumption excesses. Let “Party Line” take you for a rocking ride into and out of the abyss while you sing along with the bands shouts of, “wish I could be alright!” The regiment here flushes the conventional rehabilitation process down the drain while writing riffs that make relapsing sound like a lost art unto itself.

We caught up with the Bostonian rockers about their current happenings, local happenings, and happening forecasts from the future.

What have you and the Boston boys of Pile, Grass is Green been up to lately?

We've been busy shooting a music video and playing shows around Boston. Grass is Green just got back from tour and Pile's getting ready to head back out on the road in the fall. We talked to Matt C from Pile today, those guys are constantly touring. All three of our bands are working on new material.

What can you report from the Boston scenes these days?

Things are changing with The Phoenix and WFNX closing, but it seems like the indie scene is filling that void very well. The cool thing about Boston is you can walk into almost any club or bar and find an amazing band. There's a lot of great talent in this city.

Tell us about releases in the works and things that are influencing Mod Gun these days.

We write constantly and there's another album shaping up for early next year. The summer weather, cold drinks, and good friends have been doing the trick.

So where do you all stand with the whole trite, mod versus rocker polemics?

I'd say we're pretty impartial on that one. Our band name is a nod to Maud Gonne, Yeats' unrequited love.

What are your prospects for post-Summer, Fall, Winter and 2014?

We want to put out a music video or two, go on tour and finish working on our home studio. As far as 2014 goes, we'll be putting out another release. There's a bunch of ideas in the works and several finished tracks. Next year should be a good year.

Mod Gun's album No Beaches is available now via Bandcamp.