
Monster Rally & RUMTUM's Music And History Vol. 1

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Music And History Vol.1

When we listen to the Monster Rally & RUMTUM mixtape the Ohio duo sent our way, it brings to mind cocktail music at a party decored in shag carpets, cheap lei garlands, vodka gimlets, and clear egg-shaped lounge chairs in a penthouse built into the side of a mountain on Mars. Monster Rally's always been a master of retro-futurism and exotic escape textures, while RUMTUM delivers the darker expanses and corners just beyond the safe havens. The duo are in ying and yang balance.

In the course of their 45-minute mixtape, we explore both sides of the coin and the ridges in which the sides overlap for Monster Rally & RUMTUM. The mixtape also unveils the prolific nature in both beat makers, since the duration is curated from all facets of their output, and yet only touches on small doses from each sector.

Monster Rally & RUMTUM on their IMPOSE mixtape:

This mixtape features all unreleased material from Monster Rally, RUMTUM and Monster Rally & RUMTUM. You'll be hearing some of these tracks on upcoming solo releases from both of us as well as our collaborative project. It should be fairly obvious to the familiar listener which tracks belong to who. Music & History serves as an introduction to both of our separate production styles and allows for greater comprehension of how those styles collide.

Ted & John

Download Music And History Vol.1 here.