
Mpala Garoo/Golden Dwarves Great Turquoise Mess Age split tape

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This tape is only €5 if you actually buy it, plus shipping, which might be a little bit heavy because the label, Steak Au Zoo, is located in France. But if you just want to cruise around listening to Moscow's Mpala Garoo and Brooklyn's Golden Dwarves on a sunny winter's day, the pay-what-you-will Bandcamp download ought to suffice. Mpala Garoo is shiny, fast-paced experimentalists; there are the essences of drone arpeggios, trance hi-hat, and science-museum caroline bells all thrown in together in a fun, upbeat way. Golden Dwarves is one of the performance names of a guy called Gary Reuben Morris. He slows it down a bit and take it back to the garden, with green-sounding synthesizers echoing in a misty fen, followed by deep drone throbs in a woodland cave. You can listen below or click through to download.