
My Body, “Blowout”

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Although we won’t be seeing a new record from Portland-based My Body – comprised of Jordan Bagnall, who leads the project as the primary producer and songwriter, and Darren Bridenbeck – until late January 2017, we do have the exclusive track premiere of their song “Blowout” right now.

“When we lived in Brooklyn we felt so claustrophobic and strangled by our small apartment, the weather, the noise, people,” explains My Body. “It was like I was losing nerve connections to my limbs and all I could center myself on was the man I loved and writing songs for him that he would like.”

The song makes us feel like we’re in a daze, with bass so heavy and lyrics so catchy that we can’t stop singing it. Jordan’s feather light vocals bring an upbeat aspect to the song, as she sings “I just wanna make the kind of beats that make you move.” And My Body has succeeded at just that. This is a track we can see ourselves dancing to into all hours of the night.

Keep up with My Body on their Facebook page.