
NGHTCRWLRS, “Are Two Dee Too”

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New Jersey’s indie rock collective NGHTCRWLRS – comprised of Frank DeFranco (guitar, vocals), Brian Goglia (bass, vocals), Eric Goldberg (guitar, vocals), and Max Rauch (drums, vocals) – has been hard at work on their new LP, Raging Hot, due out next month. While you wait with baited breath for that release, here’s the exclusive premiere of their song “Are Two Dee Too”. (Yes, we’re impressed by the title as well.)

The song takes you back to some classic 90’s rock with its early guitar riff, building up momentum as the instrumentals layer in. We’re glad they play with the sound space, as it’s almost tranquil the way that it leads into the vocals at 1:15. Because of modern days – and recent events – it’s a bit of a melancholic song, laced with hope despite its heavy subject.

” ‘Are Two Dee Too’ is about wanting to find your place in the world and contribute to making it better for everyone despite all of the terrible, horrifying things that happen all over, every day,” admits Eric Goldberg. “It’s overwhelming because the human population has swelled to such an unprecedented degree and just living and working in NYC is a constant reminder of how many people there are and how difficult it is to find your place as a human being among all the powers that be. Before the song had a name, we’d refer to it at practice by singing the opening riff and it sounded like the beeps made by R2D2 in Star Wars so we went with that for the name of the song.”

We’re fans. What do you think?

Tour Dates
October 28th: Clifton, NJ
October 31st: Jersey City, NJ
November 10th: New Haven, CT
November 11th: Lowell, MA
November 12th: Bloomfield, NJ
November 13th: Brooklyn, NJ

Raging Hot is due out November 11th via Sniffling Indie Kids. Keep up with the guys via Facebook or their website.