
Nick Klein, “Mobility Effort”

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Nick Klein

Nick Klein’s assessment of techno and electronics comes as an eddying maelstrom of shadowy lo-fi synths atop driving beats. The Brooklyn producer’s latest EP, titled Failed Devotee, introduces a live recording of five tracks unimaginably danceable in nature, but incredibly dark in constitution. The record’s first single, “Mobility Effort”, creates settings of danger and anxiety with a barrage of stabbing notes and a relentlessly heavy percussive rhythm, imploding gradually with decay in both keys and drums. The loop maintains virtually the same melody throughout, alternating between the harshness of staccato synth, and a more reverbed, almost cello-like resonance. Like Finnegan’s Wake, the track ends just as abruptly and arbitrarily as it begins, simply exiting without mention, able to re-enter at will, mid-sentence.

Failed Devotee will be released on March 4 on Unknown Precept. You can stream “Mobility Effort” below.