
Nirob Islam – ‘Busy Making Plans’

Post Author: Aidan Grant

It’s a seductive pop banger

Stockholm-based artist Nirob Islam, is no stranger to the inner workings of the music industry. Under a previous artist guise, SHY Nodi, he’s worked with the likes of The Chainsmokers and NOTD. However, not one to settle for collaborative gains, he’s now firmly on the path to a successful solo career.

Produced by Freddy Alexander, ‘Busy Making Plans’ sees the Stockholm-based singer channel the same sweeping and sultry vibes as his debut single ‘Snakes’ last year. It’s a smooth pop banger, with a crisp production that cements Nirob as a powerful solo artist in his own right. 

“One of the hardest things for me is to be honest about how I feel. I hate the feeling of being exposed and often tend to not talk about the issues occupying my mind. Not letting those thoughts out ends with you not being able to reach other people. You become distant and disconnected. Even if someone is sitting next to you it feels like they’re miles away, and after a while you start to forget why you feel the way you felt from the beginning. ‘Busy Making Plans’ is about pushing away your problems to a point where you feel so distant and disconnected from someone that it feels like they’re on the other side of the planet. Instead of trying to solve the issues you have, you make plans to avoid them.”